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Support Our Sealers

Harvesting seals is a necessary evil, like harvesting cattle is a necessary evil.
Sunday, December 22, 2013

The opposition is not always credible

Seal Hunt DefenseQuestion the source of your information when opposing the seal hunt. Are you getting your information from scientists, or musicians? Is your data coming from the people living in eastern and northern Canada, or people living in Europe and Los Angeles? Paris Hilton and Paul McCartney are opposed to the seal hunt.

Meanwhile, renowned ecologist and conservationist Jacques Cousteau once said, “The harp seal question is entirely emotional. We have to be logical. We have to aim our activity first to the endangered species. Those who are moved by the plight of the harp seal could also be moved by the plight of the pig . . . We have to be logical. If we are sentimental about harp seals, which are not endangered because they are partially protected, then we have to also be emotional about pigs.”

If you can’t stand the thought of any animal being killed, fine -- that’s understandable. But if you can eat a pig, we think you should be convinced by our top 10 reasons to support the seal hunt.

The seal hunt notwithstanding, Canada's full of rural weirdness. Check out our list of Top 10 Oddball Canadian Islands, and if you're road-tripping through the middle of nowhere you'll definitely want to check out our Top 10 Roadside Attractions




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Gary LeDrew
Artist / Writer garyledrew@gmail.com 902-270-0910
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